Nadasurabhi Cultural Association located in Koramangala, Bangalore is in the forefront of promoting Classical Carnatic Music. Nadasurabhi conducts the highest quality music concerts every month and a week-long Annual Festival in November, free of charge to all rasikas. Our other events include a youth festival, Thyagaraja and Purandaradasa Aradhana, and music competitions for children.

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Sangeetha Surabhi- 2009 awarded to violin maestro Lalgudi G.Jayaraman

"My guru has a special place in his heart for Karnataka"-says GJR Krishnan

The award function was held on the 9th of November 2009 in front of a packed hall at the St.Francis School auditorium.

In his welcome address Sri.KSS Raghavan, informed the audience that Sri. Lalgudi Jayaraman could not be present due to health reasons but as a "Nadayogi" with extraordinary mental capacity, he can send his blessings to the organisation from wherever he is.

President of Nadasurabhi Sri.DS Gopinath, gave a sketch of the activities of the music sabha, emphasising that the organisation is not only committed to providing good music to rasikas but also stood for hard work, honesty and transparency in performing socially relevant social service.

General Secretary, Smt.Harini Raghavan read the citation bringing out the important features of Sri. Lalgudi Jayaraman's life, his contribution to carnatic music and the awards won by him. Mention was made of the Edinburgh Festival, early in the career of Sri Jayaraman when the internationally renowned violist Yehudi Menuhin was so impressed that he presented Sri. Jayaraman with his own violin.

President of Nadasurabhi presented the award of Sangeetha Surabhi to Lalgudi G Jayaraman, which was received on his behalf by his son and disciple Lalgudi Sri. GJR Krishnan.

The Chief Guest for the occasion Mysore Sri. Subramanya gave a colourful felicitaion address on Lalgudi Jayaraman. He elaborated on the "Four Specialities" of the master violinist- as a soloist, as an accompanying artist, as a teacher and as a Composer.

Lalgudi GJR Krishnan while giving his acceptance speech, thanked Nadasurabhi for the honour bestowed on his guru, and also mentioned that his father had a special place in his heart for Karnataka and it is well borne out from the special touch one can enjoy even today from the recordings of his concerts performed in Karnataka.

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