Nadasurabhi Cultural Association located in Koramangala, Bangalore is in the forefront of promoting Classical Carnatic Music. Nadasurabhi conducts the highest quality music concerts every month and a week-long Annual Festival in November, free of charge to all rasikas. Our other events include a youth festival, Thyagaraja and Purandaradasa Aradhana, and music competitions for children.

Nadasurabhi, in the year 2007 decided to institute an Award- Sangeetha Surabhi. The award is given to leading musicians for their immense lifetime contribution to the field of Carnatic Music. The award is given away during a special function held in conjunction with the Annual Music Festival held every November. With great respect the awardee is honoured with a Shawl, a Citation and a Purse. Following are the details of the awardees.

Sangeetha Surabhi award to Prof. T.N.Krishnan in November 2008

Citation presented to Prof. T.N.Krishnan by our General Secretary, Smt. Harini Raghavan on 16th November 2008 at the award ceremony of Sangeetha Surabhi

Respected Prof. T.N.Krishnan, Smt. Kamala Krishnan, Smt. Viji Krishnan Natarajan, Dr. R.K.Srikantan, ladies and gentlemen,

I consider it a great privilege to be in a position to felicitate Prof.T.N.Krishnan. This responsibility has come to me primarily as I happen to be the General Secretary of Nadasurabhi today.

I indeed feel greatly honoured.

Just as it is impossible to describe in words the sweetness of a rose’s fragrance or the beauty of a rainbow, so also is it impossible to describe the music of Prof. Krishnan in words. I will not attempt it, either.

Read more: Sangeetha Surabhi award to Prof. T.N.Krishnan in November 2008


Sangeetha Surabhi award to Dr. R.K.Srikantan in November 2007

The first Sangeetha Surabhi award was presented to senior vocalist Dr. R.K.Srikantan on 18th November 2007. Here is a brief write up about the great artist.

Vidwan R.K. Srikantan was born in 1920 to a distinguished family of traditional musicians of Rudrapatnam in Hassan district.

His initial Guru was his father, and later, his elder brother, Vidwan R.K. Venkataramana Shastry. Sri. Srikantan belongs to the Thyagaraja shishya parampara. He has been performing for over 7 decades throughout the length and breadth of the country in all leading sabhas and festival series and has even toured different parts of the U.S.A and Canada giving concerts and lecture-demonstrations. He has been featured in National Programmes and Radio Sangeetha Sammelanas.

Read more: Sangeetha Surabhi award to Dr. R.K.Srikantan in November 2007


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