Nadasurabhi Cultural Association located in Koramangala, Bangalore is in the forefront of promoting Classical Carnatic Music. Nadasurabhi conducts the highest quality music concerts every month and a week-long Annual Festival in November, free of charge to all rasikas. Our other events include a youth festival, Thyagaraja and Purandaradasa Aradhana, and music competitions for children.


Nadasurabhi Office

296, 5th Main, 8th Cross, S.T.Bed, Koramangala,
Country: in
Date Title Venue
30.09.23 - 2.10.23
03.00 pm
Music Course No.26- September- October 2023 Nadasurabhi Office
8.02.20 - 9.02.20
03.00 pm
Music Course 24- 8th and 9th February 2020 Nadasurabhi Office
16.11.19 - 17.11.19
03.30 pm
Music Course 23- August 16th and 17th November, 2019 Nadasurabhi Office
12.01.19 - 14.01.19
03.00 pm
Music Course 20 - January 12, 13 and 14th, 2019 Nadasurabhi Office
21.09.18 - 23.09.18
03.00 pm
Music Course 19 - September 21,22 and 23, 2018 Nadasurabhi Office
30.06.18 - 1.07.18
03.00 pm
Music Course 18 - 30th June and 1st July 2018 Nadasurabhi Office
30.03.18 - 1.04.18
03.30 pm
Music Course 17 - 30th,31st March and 1st April 2018 Nadasurabhi Office
23.12.17 - 25.12.17
03.30 pm
Music Course 16 - 23, 24 and 25 December 2017 Nadasurabhi Office
24.06.17 - 26.06.17
03.30 pm - 05.30 pm
Music Course 14- Vidushi Gayathri Girish 24,25,26th June 2017 Nadasurabhi Office
24.02.17 - 26.02.17
03.30 pm - 05.30 pm
Music Course by Neela Ramgopal-24,25,26 Feb 2017 Nadasurabhi Office

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Entry is free for all Nadasurabhi Programmes.

Donations to Nadasurabhi are entitled for exemption under Section 80G of I.T.Act.